Basic requirements for interior design
Furniture is art processing space within the architecture. Interior design includes work from planning and arrangement of space inside of the building, in order to satisfy the basic requirements and create favorable conditions for the life of human activities.
In interior design, the selection of the objects are arranged in three-dimensional space used functionally. The relationship between the aesthetic factors will ultimately be determined by the quality assessment whether it is suitable for interior space and how it influences people’s perception of its use .
In addition, interior design also associated with shaping art product development scale growing. Elements constituting an interior space that is the combination of proportion, line, array pieces, shapes, colors, materials, lighting, and the proportion of components such as ceilings, walls, floors and of furniture. Such factors closely linked together to create a perfect space and synchronized to clearly indicate the effectiveness of the facility.
In interior design, the selection of the objects are arranged in three-dimensional space using powerful functional aesthetics. The relationship between the aesthetic elements, the end will be determined by the quality assessment whether it is suitable for interior space and how it influences human perception in the use use it. However limits of interior design is difficult to discern the exact, because it depends on the relevance of architecture design manufacturing (including the shape of the utility of the material as well as production technologies).
So far, the interior design also associated with the art of shaping the development scale lon.Yeu increasingly constitute a factor interior space that is the combination of proportion, line, array pieces, shape, color, texture, light and proportion. Such factors closely linked together to create a perfect space, synchronization, reflecting the content of the work. Therefore, an interior project must meet the following requirements whatever the nature of works like:
Performance calculation
Buildings must meet the use function, function design must be fulfilled and its purpose must be complete.
And economic pragmatism
Buildings must meet the pragmatic, appropriate use of materials with properties of the building.
Designed to catch the excitement of aesthetic vision and how to comment.
Photos and meaning
A designer needs to conjure up an image to make users enjoy and relate to the meaning of its inner bearing. It impacts the emotional heart of man.