
CHEM-SIL 85C – Water-based Hardener, Densifier, and Dustproofer for Concrete, Lime stone, and Masonry

CHEM-SIL 85C is a water-based hardener, densifier, sealer, and dustproofer for concrete, lime stone, and masonry. Although CHEM-SIL 85C is totally different than conventional surface hardeners and densifiers because it contains a special catalyst that has been engineered to trigger a chemical reaction by which the chemicals bond chemically to the substrate within the pores and voids, where they form bi-calcium and tri-calcium silicate insoluble compounds. It also contains other active ingredients that dramatically reduce the viscosity and surface tension of the product, thus enhancing its penetration depth through the surface capillaries.

CHEM-SIL 85C densifies and hardens the treated structure and provides it with an excellent abrasion and water resistance as well as efficient dust-proofing properties.

CHEM-SIL 85C has the ability to retain water in new concrete by performing as a moisture barrier, which makes it an excellent concrete curing compound when a hard and a curl-free surface is required. It will also eliminate the formation of hairline and temperature cracks.

CHEM-SIL 85C is an ideal hardening, densifying, and dustproofing agent for concrete, lime stone and Masonry in:

• Chemical processing plants.
• Sewage treatment plants.
• Water treatment plant.
• Refineries.
• Food processing plants.
• Civic centers & sport arenas.
• Parking decks.
• Hospitals, airports, and museums.
• Trade show centers.